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tv   KPIX 5 News at 11pm  CBS  April 23, 2013 1:35am-2:11am PDT

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♪ what did we learn on the show tonight, craig? ♪ [meow] [laughter] craig: we're running two minutes over. so we quickly have to read the
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remeer? dear craig. would you consider bringing your show to sweden? [laughter] geoff: i guess i'll be going. craig: good night, everybody! ,,,,,,
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omg, stop. jack, your new chipotle chicken club is craze amaze. annnd chipotle is totes trending. spicy crispy chicken, hickory smoked bacon, melting cheese, and smoky chipotle sauce plus fries and a drink for $4.99? that combo is chipot-cray. and chipotle is my hashtag faveflave. let me guess-you're the new social media intern. yeah! great. i'm late for a meeting. can you make some copies? ...with the tanning bed?
1:38 am
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this is kpix 5 news. good evening. i'm juliette goodrich in for liz. >> and i'm ken bastida. parents, please, no gun violence at your child's little league game. that may sound like a ridiculous request, but ann notarangelo tells us that is exactly the deal that was required to get kids back on the field tonight. >> reporter: baseball is back. the cardinals and yankees, not a moment too soon. >> we're ready to play. >> reporter: 200 little leaguers were temporarily benched last week after a noninjury shooting in the parking lot during a game, after a father and a relative got into an argument. >> i knew it would happen but
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just diwoul happen on a baseball field where little kids are playing. >> reporter: baseball is america's game. here they say it's the only game. >> they were heartbroken, you know. they want to play baseball. there's nothing out here for them really to do positive. it's the only thing. >> reporter: sports, especially baseball, is often a metaphor for life, which makes it all that much more important for the little kids to get back on the field. >> little league, it's the womb of north vallejo. >> reporter: ironically, this game keeps kids out of trouble. but trouble found them and left fear and anxiety. but also a new result. this weekend, the league met and came up with a new no tolerance policy posted behind home plate, which includes no violence and no weapons. >> one thing i want them to learn from this experience is that life goes on. and you can't stop because of just one incident.
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>> reporter: c.c. sabathia who plays were the yankees is a lol he. but the shortstop, all he wants is a fun, safe summer playing ball. >> baseball is a part of my life. >> reporter: at last report, the police department said it had not made an arrest in the shooting, but ken, they are still investigating. >> you know, ann, i gotta ask you, are coaches, players, parents, are they worried at all that somebody might actually show up again and point a gun, fire a gun off? >> reporter: yeah, i thought they might be, but everybody says they felt pretty comfortable. the league has been around almost 50 years, and they say in their recollection, they never had anything like this, so they feel pretty comfortable. they set a zero tolerance policy today and they're laying down the law. >> thanks, ann. whether you are playing baseball, working or just
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walking to your car, no matter what you were doing outside today, you fell the heat, and yes, records fell. here's brian with more. >> it's a little bit weird in the san francisco bay area. when it's almost as warm in the city as it is in concord, for instance, san francisco got up to 82 degrees. 76 at pacifica. 87 in san jose. we set records. and we beat the old records by from one to five degrees. today it was two degrees warmer than the record set in oakland a few years ago. everybody will fall about three to five degrees tomorrow, so we should not be in record territory. concord, 64 right now, but look at the fog at the golden gate bridge. a cooling trend on the way. we'll have the details when we cover the forecast a few minutes from now. >> brian, thanks so much. well, it was also a very warm weekend for the big 4/20 stonft it trashed in e park.
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more ways than one. >> reporter: saturday, about 15,000 people crowded the haight with the express purpose of getting high. but some city leaders believe they reached a new low. they call it 4/20, a celebration on 4/20, april 20, in golden gate park. 4/20 also happens to be code for marijuana and that happens to be the theme of the party. this year's event was this past saturday, on a beautiful, sunny day. festive. >> and bigger than i was expecting. >> reporter: ryan was there. he says most people were just enjoying the day. some more than others. but it turned ugly in an instant. this is video someone posted on youtube of a brawl near hippie hill. one guy got thrown to the ground. another guy came back using a
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guitar as a weapon. the fight was over pretty quickly before the cops could arrive. >> i had no idea that it happened. i'm guessing somebody got some bad granola. >> is that code for something? >> marijuana. >> it was a total pig sty. >> reporter: a short fight is one thing. the bigger concern seems to be the huge pile of trash they're leaving behind. people trashing parks is becoming a big problem in the city. today it's calm and clean, but when it gets crowded, it gets sloppy. >> we want our parks to be well- used but people need to treat the park with respect. >> reporter: you see these trash cans that line the streets? public works tells me that 13 of them got picked up by the
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crowd and dumped out on the sidewalk this weekend. and this is from a blog called cove the upper haight here. this very spot that i'm standing, at haight and belvedere, you could see a whole bunch of police officers. according to the blog, there was a mob of about 100 people following a brawl and it took hours to dissipate. the bottom line here, they're saying $15,000 to pick up five tons of trash just yesterday. >> they did clean it up, though. all right, joe. thank you. canada says it has thwarted a terror plot. authorities say two men were scheming to derail a passenger train on a route that goes from toronto to new york city. the suspects were in the planning phase and getting outside help. >> the individuals were receiving support from al-qaeda elements located in iran.
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>> the two suspects have been under eillance for more than ye as far as anyone can tell, the plot was not linked to the boston bombings. and as for the boston bombings, the surviving brother is now talking. adriana diaz on what he is saying tonight. >> reporter: juliette, he is talking in writing to authorities and we have learned that he has told them that he and his brother acted alone. at 2:50 p.m., only tolling bells broke the silence across boston as the city marked the moment exactly one week after the bombs went off. it was a moment that was shared in the white house and on capitol hill. federal law enforcement turned over control of boylston street to local authorities. the site of the bombings could be reopened to the public as soon as tuesday. but it will take longer than that to heal the people who live here. >> every you speak to knows someone or knows of someone who has been touched by this. so it keeps getting, you know
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-- we relive it many, many times. >> reporter: boston university held a memorial service for grad student lu lingzi, one of the three who lost their lives in the attack. in nearby meord, family and friends of 29-year-old krystal campbell gathered for her funeral. we're also learning more about the 19-year-old accused in the bombings. dzhokhar tsarnaev remains in serious condition at this boston hospital. a federal magistrate judge read tsarnaev his rights at his hospital bedside. because of a gunshot wound to his neck, he cannot speak. he nodded his head for yes, but spoke the word for no when asked if he could afford a lawyer. he is being charged with using a weapon of mass destruction. he was also told he could get the death penalty if convicted. president obama called both the fbi and boston police to praise their coordination. live in boston, adriana diaz. back to you, juliette.
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and there was a big smile on aaron hern's face today. ty waller, first baseman brandon moss and right fielder josh reddick stopped by to see how he was doing. aaron's classmates wanted to make sure he knows they've got his back. they sent him this get well video on youtube. the teacher took the camera room to room, with kids offering signs of encouragement. it's no secret. san francisco has long struggled with the issue of homelessness. >> now the city is blaming another state for adding to the problem. who is accused of giving poor mentally ill patients a one-way ticket to the bay. and they're high-tech, wealthy and they claim to be eco-friendly. the bay area area cities that are vying for the title of
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biggest water hogs. this is the genetic twin of the stump that was cut down in 1890. >> how a tree cut down more ,,,,
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so, this board gives me rates for progressive direct and other car insurance companies? yes.
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but you're progressive, and they're them. yes. yes. no. are you them? i'm me. but those rates are for... them. so them are here. yes! you want to run through it again? no, i'm good. you got it? yes. rates for us and them -- now that's progressive. call or click today. acura. nevada has been putting psychiatric patients on greyhound buses, giving them one-way bus tickets out of the state. and guess where many have ended up? kpix 5's linda yee is at the greyhound station in the city
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to tell us. >> reporter: well, juliette, the city attorney has ordered an investigation now, because he just found out that at least 36 of those mentally ill patients were dumped right here, and in some of those cases, no one was waiting for them. it was a disturbing discovery. 1500 poor mentally ill patients from nevada getting one-way greyhound bus tickets and being dumped in other states. a sacramento bee investigation revealed the patients were coming from the rawson-neal psychiatric hospital in las vegas. >> patient dumping in itself is reprehensible and it's illegal and there are medicare and medicaid laws that are implicated. there are treatment laws that health care providers are required to adhere to. >> reporter: herrera sent a three-page letter to nevada's governor and the head of
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health and human services department, demanding answers and records. the bee reported in one case, r-d mebra 15hour bus ride to sacramento. he had a three-day supply of meds for his schizophrenia, some snacks and instructions to call 911 when he arrived. >> just the transparency of what's occurred so far, i think it's sending a clear message to nevada and any other jurisdiction that might be engaged in this that this isn't something that's going to be tolerated. >> reporter: in the case of that patient who was dumped in sacramento, well, he finally was reunited with his family. now, nevada mental health officials did admit to the bee that they made some mistakes in that case but they also say they're not apologizing for their busing program because they say most of their patients do have family waiting for them or at least have treatment programs at the end of that bus ride. >> well, you hope that's the case. all right, linda. thank you. today is earth d ask, how
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do you use a day? turns out one bay area city uses quite a bit. kiet do tells us way more than the average. kiet? >> reporter: well, ken, this is an increasingly common sight here in the city of palo alto. the thing about this city is they know they use a lot of water and they're trying to do something about it. it's one of the lushest, greenest cities in the bay area. and it's no wonder. palo alto ranks near the top of the list of bay area water users. bay area water supply and conservation agencies say palo alto uses 100 gallons of water per capita per day. the average is 77 gallons per day. it turns out palo alto people love their yards. >> palo alto has all this landscaping, all the trees that we're so proud of, and all the backyard gardens and the lawns. they use up a lot of water. >> reporter: a lot of the water
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in palo alto also goes to keeping the grass and landscaping green at stanford research park. the city is now looking into using recycled water here instead. >> we're looking foan improvement hered other communities as well. but i gotta focus on my community and yeah, we c better. >> reporter: a list of the agency's list shows even bigger water users. lass altos hills has a much smaller population but they're using twice as much. having a water-wise garden is a matter of picking the right plants and getting rid of the biggest water hog of all. your grass. >> if you still hang onto the american dream of the grass and picket fence or whatever, have a little bit of grass to walk on, because it feels good or whatever. but just have a small area, because it takes so much water. >> reporter: and palo alto has various programs like the grass
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rebate program that gives you $1.50 back for every square foot of grass that you tear out. the good news on this earth day is that over the past couple of years here in the bay area, the trend of water use is down. >> that is good. those native plants don't take much water. kiet do in palo alto. thanks, kiet. i was hoping not to have to use so much water. we didn't get a lot of rain this spring. >> cactus don't need a lot of water. >> you could redo the landscaping. if last winter holds true for next winter, you're going to have to. we don't have a drop of rain in sight. we've got plenty of warm temperatures around the bay area. we set some record highs today. 64 at concord at the moment and look at the relief on the way! you can see it there on the golden gate bridge. the fog will keep the coast cool tomorrow. inland will still be warm, just not quite as warm as it
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was today. it will be warm again tomorrow. but low clouds are on the way from the south. we will get relief closer to the shoreline tomorrow, a little bit inland and more by midweek. so here's what we expect. we expect things to be sunny and warm tomorrow, cooling off wednesday, and mild through the weekend as temperatures recover a little bit by friday and saturday. out the door, expect going near the shoreline. mostly sunny otherwise. on the view from the satellite, you can see high pressure that's over the west coast will keep us warm for one more day as that fog begins to return to the san mateo peninsula. and san francisco, sfo, weather shouldn't be a factor. but there is rain in chicago if you happen to be in town and heading back home. a little better than denver, which gets snow tomorrow. temperatures in the south bay tomorrow will be about three degrees cooler than today, with 83 at santa clara, 80 for san
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jose. out on the east bay, we're looking at low 80's around pleasant hill but out on the far east, brentwood hits 87. 86 at antioch and we'll be in the mid 80's in pleasanton. bodega bay is about 64 tomorrow. marin county looks nice. san francisco tomorrow, 69. oakland at 81. and san leandro, 79. look ahead, plenty of sun in the week coming. but still low clouds will be filtering in along the shoreline. and it will really cool down on wednesday. toward the end of the week, the numbers recover to the mid 70's's. so all in all, we get a bit of a break tomorrow. >> that looks like a great week ahead. >> it does indeed. and paul will be back. i won't be here. roberta or paul. it might have been the best it might have been the best stretch in entertainment ,,,,,,,
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2:00 am
you see the "mini" ion my chest? mini about me. thing wrapper has a wrapper. flavor? i'm bursting with it. creamy? i ooze it. quality like this... (muffled):...doesn't come everyday. well technically it does because i'm in the grocery but... ooh, how you doin'? rich. creamy. and 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. folk singer richie havens h died. he became a 60's legend as the opening ac ♪ freedom ♪ freedom ♪ freedom ♪ >> folk singer richie havens
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has died. he became a 60's legend as the opening act at odstk. remember? since none of the other artists had made it through traffic, concert organizers just kept telling him keep on playing. following that nearly three- hour performance, he said, quote, i played every song i knew. richie havens was 72 years old. the college of marin celebrated earth day in a very special way. the school planted three redwood trees thanks to the archangel ancient tree archive group. and these just aren't any redwoods. they are clones from the ancient redwoods that were cut down over a century ago, from a stump that was 30 feet wide and over 40 feet tall. >> are you an original tree hugger? >> yeah, i'm an original tree hugger. i didn't know what a tree hugger was, but as a kid i used to love to hug trees.
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>> the archive group organized clone plantings all over the world, including germany, ireland and united kingdom. si also. >>he involved in t a of ose things. >>she can't give it up, can she? had she saw that camera, she went running! >> she saw the trees. >> no. it's in her blood. can't give it up. the warriors lost a couple days ago. happened ,,,,
2:03 am
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2:04 am
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nature valley. nature at its most delicious. giant and filled hiim with terrible resolve... this guy either doesn't hava arizona diamondbacks appeared to have awoken a sleeping giant and filled him with terrible resolve. this guy either doesn't have a mirror or lost a pet. cody ross got the diamondbacks on the board. bases loaded. down 4-2 in the eighth. buster posey, two-run shot. tied at four. in the ninth inning, brandon belt gets the game-winning hit to drive in andris torres and the giants walk off. 5-4. watertown first responders honored at fenway tonight. down 4-3 in the fifth.
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that's a grand slam. griffin gave up a career-high nine runs. josh reddick showing signs of breaking out. it's a 9-6 ball game. sogard drives one to right. is it deep enough? no. shane victorino is there. the a's have lost four straight. karl landry will start for the warriors in game 2 tomorrow night. today a 6-foot-4 warriors guard also threw his name in the hat. >> i'm a jack-of-all-trades kind of guy. power forward is definitely in my repertoire. i don't know what ok them so long to get me down there in the first place. who knows? i'm dead serious. if he calls for it, i'm down there. >> jarrett jack, a jack-of-all- trades. i have the monday night top
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five. no. 5, goes flying into the stands in north carolina. only minor injuries reported. no. 4, lights up. penguins won 3-1. at no. 3, cody ross knows right field very well. he makes the diving catch in the corner to take away extra bases from buster posey. a hat trick in the first 33 minutes of that game. and they win tonight. no. 1, clippers and grizz tied at 91. chris paul for the winner! for the winner! >> winner. >> winner winner chicken dinner. now 2-and-0 against memphis in that series. by the way, there is no
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definitive truth that yamamoto, no proof that he said that about the sleepinggiant. great way to end the movie, but the producer apparently claimed that he found a letter but nobody ever saw the ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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morrow morning at all right. thanks so much for watching. david letterman is coming up


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